Archives for film, art, and books serve as storage and reference for films created, where it holds a much larger and more influential content that curated works that are presented to the public. However this large database of creative work are often hidden away from public view an only shown to the public when a curator deems it appropriate. This project inverses the notion and makes the Archive and Restoration Lab as the centerpiece of the project .

Located in Leimert Park, Los Angeles CA, the project separates its public gallery and educational spaces by its archive and restoration facilities. Through lifting up the archive, it opens up the front plaza to engage the metro station, which will be one of the main points of access to Leimert Park’s many community and cultural celebrations.

The project distinguishes two bars, each hosting Gallery and Institute programs respectively. The Façade further distinguishes these two programs by the two different systems - GFRC Rainscreen and Spandrel Glass
By making the archive and restoration lab the centrepiece of the project, it redefines the experience pf visiting a gallery to not just the viewing of curated collection, but also the process of creation and restoration. 
Visitors of the public space, gallery, and institute will all be able to enjoy and appreciate this process by way of complete visual transparency within the two bars as well as the oculus through the project.